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About the Japanese Cooking Club:

The Japanese Cooking Club was created to help you eat differently. To empower you to make better eating decisions and most of all help you live HEALTHIER and LONGER along with those around you, like a ripple effect

This is a community. It’s not a cooking class or a course. It could be as intense or as relaxed as want it to be – like anything in life, you’ll get out of it what you put into it. You’ll be exposed to new people, new perspectives, new ideas and new challenges. Not to mention new flavors, new aromas, new textures of an ever growing library of plant based Japanese food.

We’ve been running the Japanese cooking club for just 2 years and are already reaching people overseas with a goal of 30+ countries by the end of 2022.

Instead of simply giving you access to information (e.g. recipes, where there’s no need because they’re everywhere) or worse, leaving you all on your own. We focus on specific topics so you can gradually build your skills and knowledge, systematically. And, I check in on each and every one of you on a regular basis! So that – by your 9th or 10th month, you’ll notice you’re more comfortable, more knowledgeable, more skilled, more efficient, and more motivated to cook in the kitchen, more than you ever thought possible!

The people who've found the most success with the cooking club, were ready to make their health a priority and commit to doing so despite their circumstances. People like you, who take responsibility for the food you eat and aren’t afraid to go against the status quo, what’s popular today, what MOST people do. Because what MOST people don’t know or choose to IGNORE is that eating plant foods today is a simple and easy way to avoid prescriptions tomorrow.

And knowing that, you already know what it takes, you have the power to protect your health, that’s your natural birthright, and especially the health of the people you love. And what better way, than to accomplish that together, with like-minded people, on the same path as you, with same goals as you, who are committed as much as you are, in making this change fit your lifestyle.

And if you’re anything like me and the club members, you’ll make the time the time to share the journey, the struggles, the wins and push yourself even harder to be the change that they want to see in the world. Because when you share what you’ve cooked, the journey that you’ve taken, that’s proof for someone, that they too can do it, and will follow in your footsteps. That’s the ripple effect.

And that’s what this club is about – showing you what’s possible, empowering you to live a healthier life, so you can enjoy the things you love doing as you continue on your journey on this little Earth.

I hope you’ll join us
see you on the inside

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